More wisdom from Fr. Roch A. Kereszty and Fr. Denis Farkasfalvy


Our love for God and our love for neighbor are inseparable: he who loves God must also love his neighbor. Moreover, a love of neighbor that consists only in internal acts and does not pay attention to his basic needs or care to help him is a lie or, at best, a delusion.

—Fr. Roch A. Kereszty, O.Cist. and Fr. Denis Farkasfalvy, O.Cist.

from their book Theology in Practice



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ignite your spiritual life

Guiding readers from the first inklings of God’s presence, to the fire of married love, to the miracle of the Eucharist, and even to the hour of death, this book completes the circuit between theological study and human experience. This unique work, written by two longtime friends and brothers in religious life, draws on the riches of the Cistercian founder St. Bernard of Clairvaux—and with him the whole tradition of the Church Fathers—to communicate Christ’s peace to hearts and minds.



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