Daily Catholic Wisdom

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More wisdom from Hans Urs von Balthasar

Turn and repent of your sins, says the Baptist again and again. What does this mean? It means we must search for that turning point in our innermost self, the place where we turn from the ‘I’ to the ‘thou’ and to God, from sterile living for ourselves to fruitful living for others by following God, Emmanuel: God-with-us and God-for-us.

—Hans Urs von Balthasar

from his book, You Crown the Year with Your Goodness


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You Crown the Year with Your Goodness contains timely and timeless homilies for the liturgical year by a profound spiritual writer. The homilies span decades and represent some of the best of Fr. Hans Urs von Balthasar’s preaching. Each homily makes for insightful, informative, and inspirational spiritual reading, deepening the reader’s appreciation for the Word of God and helping him to enter into the great Mystery of God.

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