More wisdom from Jeremy Holmes


The first step toward reading Scripture is to entrust ourselves to God, leaning on his commands as a path out of ourselves. This in turn dispels our tendency to fight his words, making us ‘meek’ readers who hand our minds over even to the opaque passages of Scripture.

—Jeremy Holmes

from his book, Cur Deus Verba



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Cur Deus Verba unfolds a systematic theology of Scripture from a single key question: What did God seek to accomplish by making the Bible? The answer requires seeing why the Holy Trinity made anything at all, why the Word became flesh, and finally why the Church needs an inspired text. As Christ is more fully “man” than any mere man, so his Church is more fully “society” than any merely human society. And as every society has its literary tradition, so the Church needed a canon of literature that would be more fully “book” than any merely human book.


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