Daily Catholic Wisdom

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More wisdom from Takashi Nagai

All of us will have to render an account of our lives when we die. God will not be interested in who or what we were. No, only in this: how did we live? That will be the sole matter for judgment. A company director won’t be able to pull rank on a waiter, and a fisherman’s wife will be on a par with a millionaire’s wife. Ships’ officers will receive no preference over ships’ cooks. All will be judged by exactly the same measure: did we use our talents well and for his glory?

—Takashi Nagai

quoted in the book, A Song for Nagasaki


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A Song for Nagasaki tells the moving story of Takashi Nagai, a survivor of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, pioneer in radiology research, and convert to the Catholic Faith. After the bomb disaster that killed thousands, this extraordinary man threw himself into service to the countless victims of the bomb explosion, even though it meant deadly exposure to the radiation which eventually would cause his own death.

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