Wisdom from Fr. James Kubicki, S.J.


I am a cell within the Body of Christ, and I will only be spiritually alive and healthy insofar as I am one with Jesus. At the Last Supper, Jesus used the image of a vine and branches. A branch is dead unless the sap of the vine flows through it. So I am dead unless the Heart of Jesus pumps life into me.

—Fr. James Kubicki, S.J.

from his book, A Year of Daily Offerings: Giving Your Life to God One Day at a Time



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A daily offering of one’s life to God is an indispensable practice for every serious Catholic. In this book, Fr. James Kubicki, S.J., a longtime spiritual guide on Relevant Radio, presents a 366-day experience of morning offerings for busy laypeople. This rich array of reflections, based on the liturgical calendar and inspired by Ignatian spirituality, will help you develop—or reinvigorate—the habit of beginning each day by sincerely offering it to Christ.


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